Sunday, 13 May 2012

Face-book Or Face-hook?

Face book has always been one of the popular social networking sites and you can easily be connected with your friends and family. On face book, you can keep in touch with your loved ones by updating the status and photos constantly. Friendships can be maintained by sending private messages , posting regards and birthday messages on main wall, commenting and tagging of friends in photos or videos uploaded, makes one feel being involved in a part of someone’s life thus increase intimacy between one another,
Kaplan & Haenlein (2009, p.59) highlighted that by 2009, there are already 175 million users registered, which is twice the population in Germany (80 million). They also pointed out that there are 10 hours of content uploaded to video sharing section every minute, shows how much time one can spend on the internet.
Now, you can not only obtain news information via official news websites like Channel News Asia(, Straits Times(, ABC news(, but also on social networking sites like facebook( and twitter(!/BreakingNews).
Sometimes, you could also get additional 'juicy' news on face book which has not been published yet. The most breaking news that happened recently in Singapore would be the 48 men charged for having sex with an underage girl and the girl's identity was remained anonymous because there was a law to protect such minor as she was deemed as a victim in the eyes of law.However, the strong curiosity of the netizens were eager to find out the girl's identity and numerous photos were circulated on face book. In the end, the court has to imposed a gag order on the girl's identity and any offender can be jailed up to 1 year or fined a maximum of S$5000.


Shedletsky, L J and Aitken, J 2004, Human Communication on the Internet, Pearson, Boston.

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