Sunday 13 May 2012

Medical Approach In Designing and Publishing

Champix, was a drug launched in 2006 and the meta-analysis was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal which analysed data from 14 trials involving more than 8000 patients. Champix helps people to quit smoking but some studies have shown that it might increased the risk of cardiovascular disease.
According to Oakley(2005, p.298), medical advertisements depend on the activation of the grounding space that includes a set of participants, setting and circumstances. The mode of analysis can be presented in other three mental spaces which are presentation space, reference space and blended space (Oakley 2005, p.299). In this scenario, this advertisement belongs to the category of presentation where the elements included layout, salience, framing and perspective. We can see that the layout of information was from the left to right, the female lead on the left breaking a cigarette and the slogan on the right saying "give up smoking permanently in just 12 weeks". Salience refers to "those presentation within a text that receive greater or lesser attention" (Oakley 2005, P.299) and the action of breaking a cigarette definitely has attracted some attention as it seems easy to do it thus so does quitting smoking. Framing is a device which separates or signifies elements whether they belong together or not, but there is not obvious framing as both the female lead and the drug have it's own space. Lastly, the perspective will imply the relationship between the producer and the reader, which is the most distinguishing feature shown in this advertisement which is telling the audience that quitting smoking is as easy as breaking a cigarette using bare hands.

Reference: Oakley, T 2005, Implied narratives of medical practice in learning-for-doing texts: a simulation semantics approach to rhetorical analysis , Case Western Reserve University, viewed 13 May 2012, <>.

Face-book Or Face-hook?

Face book has always been one of the popular social networking sites and you can easily be connected with your friends and family. On face book, you can keep in touch with your loved ones by updating the status and photos constantly. Friendships can be maintained by sending private messages , posting regards and birthday messages on main wall, commenting and tagging of friends in photos or videos uploaded, makes one feel being involved in a part of someone’s life thus increase intimacy between one another,
Kaplan & Haenlein (2009, p.59) highlighted that by 2009, there are already 175 million users registered, which is twice the population in Germany (80 million). They also pointed out that there are 10 hours of content uploaded to video sharing section every minute, shows how much time one can spend on the internet.
Now, you can not only obtain news information via official news websites like Channel News Asia(, Straits Times(, ABC news(, but also on social networking sites like facebook( and twitter(!/BreakingNews).
Sometimes, you could also get additional 'juicy' news on face book which has not been published yet. The most breaking news that happened recently in Singapore would be the 48 men charged for having sex with an underage girl and the girl's identity was remained anonymous because there was a law to protect such minor as she was deemed as a victim in the eyes of law.However, the strong curiosity of the netizens were eager to find out the girl's identity and numerous photos were circulated on face book. In the end, the court has to imposed a gag order on the girl's identity and any offender can be jailed up to 1 year or fined a maximum of S$5000.


Shedletsky, L J and Aitken, J 2004, Human Communication on the Internet, Pearson, Boston.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Print Versus Online Designing

‘I Quit’ smoking campaign was first launched in June 2011 in collaboration with Singapore Health Promotion heard (HPB) and Ogilvy & Mather.As the prevalence of adults smoking are increasing from 12.6 percent to 14.3 percent in 2010, the aim of this campaign is not only to help people to quit smoking but to put a more emotional touch in celebrating for the quitters who have decided to quit smoking.
The logo of this advertisement was a twist that symbolises on how a smoker holds a cigarette to form a pledge gesture. This symbol identifies those quitters who have quited smoking are deserved to be celebrated and creates a unifying gesture for the quitters and other members of the community.The pledgers were all wear a white tee shirt with the words saying ‘I quit because…’ and to fill up with their own reasons on why they want to quit smoking. Their reasons mainly are for family, health, money, self and their loved ones.
The campaign poster could be seen mainly on the platform doors of all MRT stations. The pros of such visual print posters would be easy accessibility and readability, passengers can take time to read through while waiting for train. The cons would be the information are not available in print brochures format thus information might not be digested and forgotten after that. However, more information of this campaign could also be retrieved via online where the official website( was provided on the poster. There was also a face book club ( where the public can leave comments to encourage them.
I personally felt very touched by their motivation and will to quit smoking no matter for what reasons. I’m sure that this is also an encouragement to those who wants and in the process of quitting smoking. I felt that this campaign is not only encouraging but also inspiring as it used a positive and emotional touch to speak to the community by using real life stories and taking the pledge as a promise to their own self and family.


High tech or No tech?

Over the decades, we have seen the changes and advantages that new technology has brought us. For example in the olden days, a mobile phone can only be used for calling and answering calls, text messages and basic functions for alarm clock and calendar. Whereas now with the latest 3G network and a smartphone, other then the basic functions, you can still surf the internet ongoing and download various applications for all sort of purpose. Applications like for playing games, watching videos, bus travel guide, street directory and even GPS guide can all be found in the application store.
I cannot deny that such advanced technology has definitely brought more advantages but also have its disadvantages at the same time. I am actually not a very high tech person so i was quite resistant when i first started to use a smartphone. First, it was touch screen. Secondly, the battery life is short when many applications are opened. However, i get used to it gradually and i will play with it whenever i am idle. When i'm waiting for the train ,i will watch an episode of a drama serial. When i'm queuing for food, i will open a browser for facebook. That's what is also happening to the surrounding people and it is a very common scene everywhere, especially on the MRT train.
Pictures were posted on STOMP, where commuters are not giving their seats to the needy were either pretending to be sleeping or busy occupied with their smartphone. Such acts were being broadly discussed and criticized as where have the chivalry and consideration gone to? I felt that most of us would need to reflect and repent if we are one of those people, to make this world a better and harmonious place to live in.


A picture speaks more than a thousand words...

There is this saying where ' a picture speaks more than a thousand words'.. it is true indeed, especially when played around between words and pictures and obtaining a balance in both. I have once came across this outdoor advertisement of dengue fever prevention at a bus stop in orchard road, where a huge fake mosquito was placed on top of the advertisement board.  According to Well, Burnett & Moriarty (1995, p567-568), the key elements are concept, design, layout and graphics. The concept has to be strong and creative and by one look at the advertisement, it seems like the giant mosquito is preparing to attack and sting the little boy. The design of the billboard has to leave a quick and lasting impression and the giant mosquito has already attracted viewer’s attention.The layout is simple and straightforward with the headline “There will be no comfort, I am here to disrupt. If there is way into your home, I will take it.” It is in a serious and threatening tone in order to raise awareness and fear inside peoples’ hearts. There was also high visibility as the billboard size was big and noticeable. The graphics stand out as two colour tones were in contrast which the font wordings were in black and the background mainly was white.

Reference: Wells, W, Burnett, J & Moriarty, S 1995, Out of home advertising , Prentice Hall International, London.

Why Blogging?

Blogging has once again became popular in the recent years, not only among the teenagers but also adults of various occupations and status.
Initially, it started with people posting and sharing of their daily activities and opinions on current hot topics. Usually it tend to invite comments and discussion and its an amazing connection between people from all over the world.
As the years goes by.. i realised that the blogging world have moved on to a higher level and it can be a good learning site to increase knowledge and exposure. There are also specific genres covering topics like food, travel, news and medical information.
One of my favourite blogs  would be Dr Leslie Tay's food blog where he started in 2006 and introducing all the local delights of Singapore with mouth-watering photos and honest reviews. It gets about 14k visits per day and voted as the best food blog in 2009 Asia-Pacific Blog Awards.
Thus, start your own blog now! Get your opinions heard, enjoy the process in discovering and sharing the good things with the world!

Grilled Ozaki Beef Cubes
Jumbo Prawn and Pork Ribs Noodle Soup $8

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